Anthony Semann on Conflict Resolution

In this interview, Anthony explains that although our practice is always under construction, conflict may occur because we don’t handle difference well – whether that is differences in pedagogy, routines or procedures.

He says “We teach who we are” – our pedagogical practices reflect our own world views, our own values – and that ‘I’ am not one single thing, but many perspectives, relationships, experiences, beliefs and more.

Anthony has some great strategies for resolving conflict, with the caveat that change may be uncomfortable and will take time.
· October 8, 2021

Anthony Semann of Semann & Slattery, based in New South Wales, is a presenter and researcher, with a background in education, research and management.

His expertise as a researcher and his specialist knowledge of Early Education has seen him work across Australia, Asia, Europe, America, France and New Zealand. He has delivered hundreds of key notes and papers at conferences and over 15,000 professional development programs over the last 20 years.

Anthony challenges organisations and people. He asks them to reflect because their communication, their leadership, their values, their relationships and their workplace culture and diversity affect what they do. He asks them to reflect because it is these things that affect their services, businesses and ultimately the community.

In this interview, Anthony explains that although our practice is always under construction, conflict may occur because we don’t handle difference well – whether that is differences in pedagogy, routines or procedures.

He says “We teach who we are” – our pedagogical practices reflect our own world views, our own values – and that ‘I’ am not one single thing, but many perspectives, relationships, experiences, beliefs and more.

Anthony has some great strategies for resolving conflict, with the caveat that change may be uncomfortable and will take time.


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