Premium Bonus: Maths in the Early Years

In this free downloadable pdf, Barbara Schindelhauer explains how to turn early maths into a joyful and relaxed co-adventure.
· November 11, 2020

Let’s visit Numberland started off as a research project by German education specialist Dr. Gerhard Friedrich in 2004 (peer- reviewed). He showed that children gained one entire year within only 10 weeks, both in terms of maths and language, and regardless of their socio-economic background.In this free downloadable pdf, Barbara Schindelhauer explains how to turn early maths into a joyful and relaxed co-adventure.

You can also buy some of the exquisite wooden resources that accompany Numberland and Barbara has a special offer, exclusively for Premium Members, where you can get a FREE Numberland handbook (worth £14.99) with any order that you place.

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