Maggie Dent is Australia’s ‘queen of common sense’. Maggie has become one of Australia’s favourite parenting authors and educators, with a particular interest in the early years, adolescence and resilience, and 11 books to her name including her bestselling 2018 release Mothering Our Boys.
In this interview, we discuss how ‘Mothering our Boys’ is different to mothering our girls; how and why boys’ play varies to girls’ play; how stereotypes and social conditioning can affect the way that we parent boys or girls; the role of the key person or named person in childcare and Early Years settings; boys and friendships; being sensitive with boys when mistakes are made by the adults in their lives.
You can find all Maggie’s books, live tours and many free articles on her website and her online courses are here: here: @MaggieDentAuthor
YouTube channel here:
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