Kathryn Albany-Ward established the CIC company Colour Blind Awareness after she discovered that her son was colour blind. Kathryn was very surprised to learn that teachers are not trained in how to identify and support pupils AND that children are generally not tested for colour vision deficiency at school entry.
In this interview, we discuss what colour blindness or colour vision deficiency means; how prevalent it is; how this may have consequences for children’s learning; what practitioners, educator and parents can do to support children; colour blindness or colour vision deficiency in sports.
Information for parents and teachers is now a major element of her website.
There are more videos on the YouTube Channel Education playlist here:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxZ599esLjhsuqHI3RhDeEliWmAq9WdFx
For teachers http://www.colourblindawareness.org/teachers/resources/
You can find Kathryn on Faceook: https://www.facebook.com/ColourBlindAwareness/