Dr Andrew King is an engineer and author of the ‘Engibears’ who really enjoys his family life, his work and dreaming. Andrew’s family are avid readers and have really helped him to appreciate the magic of books.
In this episode, Andrew explains how we can help children investigate their world as young scientists and engineers, and how being positive, enthusiastic and knowledgeable role models is so important as part of this process.
You can find Andrew’s websites here: https://www.bearlyengineering.com/ and https://engibears.com/
Sue Lewin, Andrew’s co-author, can be found here: http://www.earlychildmusic.com.au/
And his very talented illustrator, Ben Johnston here: https://unfolddesign.wordpress.com/
Little Steps Publishing – UK and Sydney: https://www.littlestepspublishing.co.uk/ and on Twitter: https://twitter.com/littlesteps_uk
You can find Engibears Paper Bridge Tips here:
Engibears Paper Bridge Tips 20160114