Dorothy Waide, is a Karitane Mothercraft Nurse and best selling author, and is one of New Zealand’s leading sleep consultants with over 35 years baby nursing and sleep-settling experience both in New Zealand and around the world.
Dorothy is absolutely passionate about babies. In fact, in today’s world she could be called a ‘baby whisperer’. However in Dorothy’s words you are your baby’s whisperer, the only person who instinctively knows what feels right.
In this interview, Dorothy explains that there are different types of parenting – all of which are equally valid and need to be celebrated and respected. She explains the range of equipment that is needed for the newborn baby – and it’s not as much as you might expect!
Dorothy discusses swaddling, self-soothing, “don’t do anything out of the cot that you can’t do IN the cot”. We discuss White Noise – the benefits and challenges – and how to settle a baby to sleep. She explains to ‘parenting to sleep’ and sleep patterns. Her very sensible approach includes “you didn’t train to get your job over night, you had to put the work in, and that’s the same with being a mum”
This episode is exclusively available for Early Years TV Premium members.
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