Cindy Davenport is a child and family health nurse, midwife and lactation consultant, and has worked in the early parenting field since 1998. She is a director of the company Safe Sleep Space, part of the Ternity Group. She has a keen interest in the health and wellbeing of families and offers a sensible, response-based approach to help babies and children with sleep and associated early parenting problems. Cindy is based in Melbourne, Australia.
In this interview, we discuss how ‘transitions’, whether they are small ones such as moving room to room or big ones such as arriving from home, can affect a young child’s ability to settle and make an effective ‘switch’. Interestingly, this depends on the child’s temperament as well. Cindy goes on to explain how the way a child’s brain develops, by reinforcing neural pathways, means that consistency and repetition when switching really helps children to settle well.
As usual, Cindy has plenty of practical ideas for helping to get toddlers settled and ready for sleep, for both Early Years educators and practitioners, and parents as well. This includes using role play, singing and use of books.
We also consider a couple of things that we know can be concerning for some people – why toddlers yell and the best ways to use a bottle to help settle toddlers (and some things not to do as well!).
Cindy finishes with some insights into children who may be on the Autistic spectrum and how to approach sleep times successfully.
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