Annie Richardson has been involved in the early years sector for over 30 years. She started by volunteering at her daughter’s pre-school and found she was inspired by the cleverness of young children. She went on to work as a crèche worker, before becoming an assistant and later the supervisor of a committee managed pack-away playgroup.
She helped set up a daycare nursery and managed it for 2 years. She states that the most enjoyable and informative role she has had was when working for a Local Authority as a support worker for pre-school children with complex special educational needs and their families (supporting them in their home, pre-school and Reception Class).
After 10 years in this role, she became an Early Years Consultant in a Local Authority (LA). Her last remit was to embed the first Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework within the LA’s early years provision, and to support a new network of EYPs (Early Years Professionals).
She is currently a senior lecturer in early childhood education and care at the University of Brighton and has worked there for 11 years. She teaches on a range of subjects related to Early Childhood but has a particular interest in child development, play, relationships and attachment, working in partnership with families, and reflective practice.
She is an EYP, gaining Early Years Professional Status (EYPS) during the original pilot in 2006/7 and therefore always strives to be an agent for change in early years. She is a woman racialised as black, who is fiercely proud of her East Sussex roots as explored in her first published writing. She also writes a blog reflecting on her experiences in early years and Higher Education and their relationship to racism and anti-racism.
Supporting Pedagogy and Practice in Early Years Settings by Shirley Allen and Mary Whalley book:
DCSF (2009) Learning, Playing and Interacting [Online]
Farqhuar, S. & White, E.J. (2014) “Philosophy and pedagogy of early childhood” Educational Philosophy and Theory, 46 (8) pp821–832
Archer, N. (2020) Activism, autonomy and identities: Stories from early childhood educators
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